Snow blankets the ground.
Bright-white, light-reflecting, insulating snow. I love it. Not only for its beauty; the way it covers the brown of the grass and bare tree branches, but the way it protects the precious growing things sleeping underneath.
Winter is the dark time of the year. It is the time for resting and nesting, dreaming and scheming. I find that it is harder for me to drag myself to the gym! Subsequently I spend more of my spare moments at home wrapped comfortably in a blanket, cup of hot tea in hand, thumbing through Spring editions of my favorite home and garden magazines!
And so, the metaphorical seeds have been planted. Now is the time to nourish the growth that will bring them, lush, green and flowering, into the bright light of day. I sit cozily at home making lists of all the plants I have and the ones I still want. I make lists of the type of property I am looking for, the sort of house and the location that I want. I make lists of business ideas for The Magick Garden. I make lists of craft ideas for The Magick Garden shop. I make lists of the garden rooms/areas I want to have at The Magick Garden. I make lists of all the practical steps that need to be accomplished before I can even contact a realtor…
For those of you who aren’t List-Makers I would just say, in my defense, that list-making helps me to organize my thoughts. I have always been a dreamer and creative thinker. Sometimes I have so many thoughts and ideas flying through my head that writing them down is tremendously grounding. The simple act of writing them seems to automatically organize and prioritize. It makes me think of Dumbledore’s Pensieve. What a great idea! Would that we could all have a Pensieve.
Once I have written the lists I have a clearer idea of what I need to do. I contact the appropriate people. I schedule appointments to meet with them. I gather together the necessary documents to move forward with financial arrangements. These are the mundane, often-frustrating-but-necessary, behind-the-scenes tasks that must be attended to before this Dream can be realized. I keep in mind Mike Dooley’s words of wisdom by trying NOT to get stuck on (and worrying about) the “Cursed Hows.” Instead I keep moving forward toward my goal and try to leave the “Hows”
to the Universe.
Coming up…
Friday, January 27, 2012 from 6-8pm-Stepping Into The Light-Sharing Your Unique Talents With The World, with Deb Snyder. This will be held at Magick Bridges in Scarborough. Check out Magick Bridges on Facebook or visit I will definitely be there!
Saturday, February 4, 2012 from 1-4pm-The Pagan Circle resumes! We’ll celebrate Imbolc and have some fun trying our hand at reading tea leaves and other forms of divination. Bring along a pendulum and dowsing rods if you have them! The circle is open to everyone. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to attend. The circle will be held at my home in Bowdoinham. I will send out an email to everyone who is interested in attending just prior to the day. $5.00 donation to cover circle costs.
Saturday, March 31, 2012 from 10am-4pm-Holistic Mystic Fair. This wonderful fair will be held at Le Club Calumet 334 West River Rd., Augusta. There is a $5.00 entrance fee and many free workshops. There will be a wide variety of healers and vendors at the fair. I will be there with new nature-inspired gift items from The Magick Garden. Come and visit us!