Free Reiki Friday
The next Free Reiki Friday is this Friday, June 19th from 9am-12pm. Stop by The Magick Garden for a free 15-minute Reiki treatment-no appointment necessary! If you’ve been curious about Reiki but have never received a session, this is the perfect introduction at no cost.
Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and Raindrop Technique
I am teaching this class currently. This is a four part class taking place on four Friday afternoons. If there is enough interest, I would be happy to teach another series of classes. Please contact me if you have an interest in learning about essential oils or Raindrop Technique.
Events in the works…
I am currently collaborating with a friend who is a Tarot Reader on a Readings and Reiki event t0 be held this summer at The Magick Garden. Stay tuned for details!
Also in the works is a Plant Identification and Foraging Walk at The Magick Garden. I will be in discussion with an Herbalist acquaintance of mine about this event and will keep you posted.