This month has been particularly fun in The Magick Garden. Since I only moved in last October, everything is new and there are surprises all the time. The trees are in leaf, flowers are blooming, the birds are at the feeders (as are the fat grey squirrels!), the wild flowers and wild strawberries have sprung up in the lawn and the air is perfumed with the heady scent of lilacs.
My first Open House~Open Garden day was a success! Thank you to everyone who stopped by to visit the Gingerbread House and walk on the grounds of The Magick Garden. It’s all a work in progress and I’m excited for the day when I can open up The Magick Garden to practitioners, workshop and group leaders, and anyone looking for an outdoor space in which to hold a gathering.
For now here are some photos from around The Magick Garden for you to enjoy!