Greetings Friends! Thanksgiving is just days away, as is Black Friday. More importantly though is Small Business Saturday on 11/24/12. This Saturday and holiday season I hope you will join us in supporting our local artists, artisans and small business owners. Spending our money on items handcrafted and sold by the person who created them boosts the ecomony of our communities, encourages creativity, and keeps our hard-earned dollars in the beautiful state of Maine. Small businesses who sell locally sourced items are doing us all a favor by offering merchandise that is beautiful, fresh, handmade, homemade, organic. Their efforts in turn allow other Mainers to do what they love. If you should kindly decide to order a Garden Leaf (or two, or three…) to give as gifts this holiday season, you live locally and would like to dispense with the shipping and handling fee, please contact me. I can arrange to meet with you to hand you your leaf.
A sincere and grateful thank you to everyone who has purchased from The Magick Garden, signed up for the monthly newsletter, followed The Magick Garden on facebook, given kind words and glowing compliments.
Peace, Joy and Blessings,